When a Condominium or Community Association sustains property damage as a result of a catastrophic event, like a hurricane or sinkhole loss, the Association’s manager and Board of Directors have the responsibility to report and pursue an insurance claim with the Association’s property insurer. This can be a daunting task.
Generally, a condominium complex is insured by a master policy in the name of the Homeowner’s Association (HOA). The policy typically provides coverage for all association property, including the common areas of the Association, and often even property within individual units.
If you are a member of a Community Managed Association, Homeowners Association, or one of the Board of Directors of your Association, you may not be familiar with the complex laws surrounding insurance claims and property damage disputes in a condominium, apartment, townhome, or other similar association setting.
Complications with insurance claims can be amplified if the damage extends to more than one – or even all – units within a complex. The experienced property insurance attorneys at Nutter Law Group can help you make sure that your rights are protected and your interests prioritized in the event of a property damage claim.
As a result of our extensive experience with association claims, the attorneys at Nutter Law Group are often called upon by condominium or community association boards, general counsel, or property managers to assist with all types of property insurance claims. We have helped countless associations navigate how to effectively protect the Association while balancing the duty to protect the interests of the individual unit owners.
Whether you are facing property damage due to a fire, hurricane, vandalism, sinkhole or other natural or manmade disaster, you need a law firm that can document success, both in the strategic and tactical approach to protecting your members’ financial interests. Regardless of whether you believe your insurance company is honoring the terms of your insurance policy, you need the perspective of experience on matters involving insurance claims.
Our attorneys work closely with qualified experts to perform independent testing and evaluation to determine whether damage to an Association’s property is covered, and if so, the proper scope and cost of repair. Our firm advances the cost of this testing. It is very common for these experts to disagree with the findings and opinions of the insurance company’s experts.
You won’t have to pay us any attorney’s fees or costs unless we recover money for you. If we recover money for you, our attorney’s fees and costs are typically paid by the insurance company.
Call us for a free consultation at 813-575-4442. We will explain in detail how we can fight your insurance company to obtain the money that you deserve.
Condominium and Community Associations Insurance Claims
Get a Free Consultation
606 E. Madison Street
Tampa, Fl 33606